Watch this page for more ways you can get involved with the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance and our efforts to add 10 billion oysters to the Bay by 2025.
Take the Pledge!
Join the movement and sign the pledge! Commit to doing your part to restore this critical Bay species. The Bay, our economy, and way of life depend on it.
Join the Alliance
Get on board with our coalition of non-profits, community organizations, oyster growers, and others.
Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium
The Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium is hosted in-person annually as a two-day oyster retreat. The first day consists of field experiences and group activities at carefully selected locations with oyster significance. The second day consists of presentations by dozens of scientists and other speakers and is presented live online. This program unites the fields of oyster restoration, aquaculture, and science to explore the potential for accelerating and maximizing the ecological and economic gains obtainable in each area. View recordings and slides from past years on the Chesapeake Oyster Science Symposium webpage.
Where to Buy Chesapeake Bay-Farmed Oysters
Oyster farmers in the Chesapeake Bay are bringing oysters to your plate with delivery and pick-up programs to get the tasty bivalve directly to you.
Recycle Your Shells
Recycle your empty oyster shells. Return your shells at several drop off locations around the Bay, and they'll be reused to help grow juvenile oysters.
Five Things You Can Do to Help
Eat locally grown oysters, recycle your empty oyster shells, and more. See five things you can do to help add 10 BILLION oysters to the Chesapeake Bay.